How to have 2 StarMaker accounts! (simple!)

Written: Matrix Clone
Browse: 942

Android devices naturally don't support multiple accounts for the same app, but there is a workaround.

To have two StarMaker accounts on your Android phone, you can take advantage of the "clone" or "dual" feature available on some Android phones. This feature allows you to have two separate instances of the same application on your device. If your phone doesn't have this feature, you can use Matrix Clone.

Here's how to use matrix cloning:

1. Install Matrix Clone. You can download and install it from the Matrix Clone official website.

2. Click the “+” button in the upper right corner of the Matrix Clone application.

3. Select StarMaker and create a second account.

4. The application's icon will now appear on the Matrix Clone home page.

5. Click the clone application StarMaker.