Why can't I log in to Discord using my Google Account in the Parallel Space/Dual Space app?

Written: Matrix Clone
Browse: 508

Due to some policy reasons, the Dual Space product you downloaded from the Google Play Store will have some restrictions when logging into the cloned Discord using a Google account. Users can download the dual application assistant from the Matrix Clone official website. Our official installation package is not affected by policies and supports multiple account logins.

Here's how to use matrix cloning:

1. Install Matrix Clone. You can download and install it from the Matrix Clone official website.

2. Click the "+" button in the upper right corner of the Matrix Clone application.

3. Select Discord and create a second account.

4. The application’s icon will now appear on the Matrix Clone homepage.

5. Click on the new application icon in Matrix Clone; this will launch a new instance of the application, allowing you to create a second account.

The benefit of using Matrix Clone to clone Discord accounts is that you can separate different interests, projects, or social circles, making your communication more organized. Additionally, you can maintain privacy between different accounts and control the information you share with different groups.